Is camping allowed at Korigad

Hi, I wanted to know if camping is allowed at Korigad fort. We are a group of around 10-12 men and are planning to visit Korigad in this winter season. There are also a few old folks in our group, will the trek be too much for them?


Yes, Camping is allowed at Korigad fort. But ensure, that you setup your campsite away from the monkeys on the fort.
Monkeys are greedy for food and can be very problematic at night time when you start making your food.

Please take enough sleeping material with you as it gets really cold in winters. Since there is just plain sufrace on the fort, the breeze will create issues for the auto-warming human body.
Take enough blankets, sleeping bags and anything that will keep you warm at night.

Trek is easy and should not be an issue for the old folks. Just ensure that you take the right amount of breaks while trekking.
Also keep a check if they are drinking water well and keeping themselves hydrated while trekking.

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